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Terms and Conditions

Please read below to see our standard Terms and Conditions for Corporate Bookings, Events, Conferences and Function Space Hire

Terms and Conditions for Corporate Bookings, Events, Conferences 

and Function Space Hire



All bookings are provisional until the contract is signed by both the Client and the Conference Centre and the terms of payment outlined within the contract have been met. Once the contract is signed by both parties, all such provisions reserved on behalf of the Client will be subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.

The contract must be returned by the Client and received by the Conference Centre within five working days of the date of issue or, if such time is not available before the date of arrival, within a maximum of 24 hours. If the Conference Centre does not receive the contract within this period, the Conference Centre reserves the right to release the provisional booking and re-let the facilities.




The client must pay the deposit or full pre-payment(s) specified in the contract. Should the client fail to pay the requested deposit or prepayment by the due date, the Conference Centre may treat the booking as having been cancelled by the client. Deposits are neither refundable nor transferable.

The deposit charges shall be imposed as follows: 

10% of the total charge at the time of booking.

Then: The remaining 90% of the total charge 21 days before the event date.

Should the booking be made less than 21 days before the event date, the booker will be required to pay the full payment of the room hire and the catering, AV equipment, banqueting, or third-party additional charges organised by the Conference Centre by the terms above. Once payment is received for catering, AV equipment, banqueting, or any third-party additional charges organised by the Conference Centre, these are nonrefundable. In the event the Conference Centre decides (acting in its absolute discretion) that some costs paid may be refundable from catering, AV equipment, banqueting, or any third-party additional charges organised by the Conference Centre, these will be refunded to the Client in agreement with the terms stated at the time for that particular booking. Any agreed refunded costs for catering, AV equipment, banqueting, or any third-party additional equipment organised by the Conference Centre are specific only to the individual booking they have been arranged for, and such refund arrangements are not guaranteed to be replicated for any future bookings.



i. In the unfortunate circumstance that the Client has to cancel the event, the Conference Centre shall only be obliged to reimburse any payments received from the Client in accordance with the cancellation terms set out herein.

In the event of cancellation by the Client, cancellation charges shall be payable, as set out below. Depending on the amount of notice the Client gives the Conference Centre, differing levels of cancellation fees shall apply (as detailed below). These fees will be deductible from the deposits paid.


The cancellation charges shall be imposed as follows:


Cancellation/Partial Cancellation (Period of notice - Charge)

• 21 days or longer - 10% of the total charge

• Between 8 days and 20 days - 80% of the total charge

• 7 days or less before the event - 100% of the total charge

ii. If the Conference Centre agrees (acting in its absolute discretion) that the Client may reschedule the Event to another date, should that rescheduled date subsequently be cancelled, the greater of all relevant cancellation charges from either the original Booking or the rescheduled Booking, will apply.

iii. Any cancellation, postponement, or partial cancellation should be verbally advised to the Conference Centre in the first instance.


iv. All cancellations must be confirmed in writing.


The cancellation date is the date the Conference Centre receives notification in writing from the Client of the cancellation. The event shall not be acknowledged as cancelled by the Conference Centre until notification in writing is received from the Client.



i. Final numbers must be confirmed 14 days before the event.

ii. Any delegates who do not arrive or who depart early will be charged 100% of the delegate rate. Refunds will not be available for funds spent on delegates who do not attend.



The Conference Centre reserves the right to cancel any booking forthwith or reserves the right to offer alternative facilities without any responsibility on its part in the event of:

a. Any occurrence beyond the reasonable control of the Conference Centre which shall prevent it from fulfilling its obligations in connection with the booking.

b. If the booking might, in the opinion of the Conference Centre, prejudice the reputation of the Conference Centre.

c. If the client does not fulfil the payment terms as per Clause 2.

d. If the Conference Centre becomes aware of any alteration in the Client's financial situation.



In any situation where equipment is hired and installed for the Event (whether such equipment is hired by the Conference Centre or the Client), the Client accepts all liability and responsibility for any costs, losses, damages, or expenses in connection therewith, and the Client shall indemnify the Conference Centre accordingly. Should damage occur to the equipment through misuse, the Client exonerates the Conference Centre from any liability arising as a result.


Installation of any electrical equipment not belonging to the Conference Centre requires prior written approval of the Conference Centre. The Client is responsible for the proper use of any equipment used in respect of the Event. Any damage caused to the Conference Centre or its contents will be charged to and payable by the Client. Under no circumstances must the Client attempt to access the Conference Centre's data management systems.


Wi-Fi is available free of charge throughout the Conference Centre. The Conference Centre is not responsible for delays caused by technical equipment or data issues, and the Client is not entitled to delay or without payment from the Event as a result.



It is the Client's responsibility to safeguard any equipment or personal belongings brought onto the Conference Centre premises. The Conference Centre will not be liable for any loss or damage to equipment brought in by the Client. Cars parked in the Conference Centre Car Park are parked at the risk of the owner of the vehicle. The Conference Centre takes no responsibility for the safety and security of vehicles whilst parked in the car park.


Any decorative materials brought into the Conference Centre for the Event must comply with all applicable fire protection regulations. Proof of this may be requested. No items should be attached to the walls without the prior agreement of the Conference Centre.


Equipment should be removed immediately after the Event. The Conference Centre may charge the Client if it is left with any equipment to store or transport to a forwarding address. The Client shall reimburse the Conference Centre for any costs, losses, damages, or expenses incurred by the Conference Centre in respect of any interruption or disruption of any future events resulting from the storage of any equipment left on the premises from the Client Event. This applies to all items provided by the Client or third parties and not subsequently removed.



If damage to the fabric, fixtures, or fittings in the Conference Centre results from the Event itself, the Client will be held liable for any costs, losses, damages, or expenses unless the damage is caused by the Conference Centre or any of its employees, agents or subcontractors organised by the Conference Centre.

The Client takes full responsibility for damage caused by any third-party agents or subcontractors organised by the Client (even if confirmed in advance with the Conference Centre as per Clause 7.) The Conference Centre will hold the client liable for damage caused by third-party agents or subcontractors organised by the Client and will invoice the Client for these damages.



Other than in respect of any food and beverage, the Client may, subject to the prior written consent of the Conference Centre (acting in its absolute discretion), engage with reputable suppliers to provide services required at the Conference Centre in respect of their event including audio-visual equipment and operation, entertainment, ground transportation, floral, photography, theming, team building, and similar services. Permission for the use of third-party suppliers must be confirmed with the Conference Centre in writing in advance of booking and then any such services booked must be confirmed in writing to the Conference Centre at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the arrival date. The Conference Centre may request proof of adequate safety checks on equipment brought in by external suppliers. (e.g. PAT testing of electrical equipment).



i. All catering for events at the Conference Centre must be booked in advance by the Conference Centre's approved or recommended catering providers. Should the client request to bring in a preferred caterer or their own catering, this must be agreed in writing by the Conference Centre before booking. The Conference Centre reserves the right to request proof of adequate safety checks of equipment and food safety standards by any third-party catering providers.


ii. Food and beverages may not be brought onto the premises by the Client or their delegates unless previously agreed in writing by the Conference Centre. Any food or beverages brought onto the premises without written agreement in advance of the booking by the Conference Centre may be requested to be removed from the premises.


iii. Deliveries and takeaways may not be brought into the Conference Centre premises by the Client or their delegates unless previously agreed in writing by the Conference Centre. Any deliveries and takeaways brought onto the premises without written agreement in advance of the booking by the Conference Centre may be requested to be removed from the premises.



Either party may cancel this Agreement without liability to the other party by reason of events or occurrences beyond its reasonable control due to being unforeseeable or unavoidable, such as, but not limited to, acts of God, war or threat of war, government regulation or advisory, natural disasters, fire, accidents or other casualty, strikes or threat of strikes, civil disorder, terrorist acts or threats of terrorism, flood, burst pipes, utility disruption, curtailment of transportation services or facilities, or a similar intervening, cause making it illegal, commercially unreasonable or impractical, or unsafe for the attendees to travel to or attend the Event, or for the Conference Centre to provide the facilities or services booked for the Event. The party affected will provide prompt written notice of such events to the other party; neither party shall have any liability to the other, and all monies paid in advance shall be refunded.



In the unlikely event that meeting rooms are not available due to an administrative error, the Conference Centre shall use reasonable endeavours to assist, at no additional cost or expense, in locating an alternate venue space with comparable or better facilities at a comparable or better price. If the overbooking situation is only determined upon arrival at the Conference Centre, the Conference Centre shall provide reasonable transportation to any such alternate venue.



The Conference Centre may terminate this Agreement immediately (and without incurring any liability whatsoever, therefore) by notice in writing if any of the following events occur:

i. The Client is in breach of this Agreement, and such breach is not remedied (if capable of remedy) within fourteen (14) days of written notice by the Conference Centre to the Client;

ii. the Client is subject to any insolvency or bankruptcy or the appointment of any administrator, receiver, or administrative receiver or makes a compromise with its creditors generally or any equivalent event occurs in any jurisdiction; or

iii. the Client fails to pay any money due to the Conference Centre on the due date for payment.



The Conference Centre shall not use the Client's name or brand, or the name or brand of any of its affiliates, or any publicity, news release, announcement, advertising, promotional, or other similar purposes without the express prior approval of the Client. The Conference Centre shall not use for any purpose nor disclose or make available to any person or entity Client information (including, without limitation, trade secrets, technical and business data, drawings, models, samples, and names of guests, customers, or suppliers) provided to the Conference Centre. This provision shall not apply to information generally available to the public. This section shall survive the termination of this Agreement and the conclusion of the Event. The Conference Centre or any of its associates are not allowed to use any photographs, materials, or any other promotional material relating to the Client or the Event as a public relations piece or as communication to other clients without the express prior written approval of the Client. The Conference Centre agrees that its management, associates, and employees shall not disclose any sensitive or confidential information relating to the Client or the Event gained through hearsay, printed materials, and other communication during the Client's meeting. The Conference Centre may display the name of the Client on any signage within the event location unless expressly confirmed in advance that this is not required or any alternate name is provided for use.


Any use of the C7 Conference Centre brand names or logos by any person apart from the Conference Centre must first obtain the written permission of the authorised representatives of the Conference Centre. Any misuse or misrepresentation may result in a claim against the relevant person.



Each of the parties to this Agreement agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of the Data Protection Legislation. This clause is in addition to and does not relieve, remove, or replace a party's obligations under the Data Protection Legislation.


The Client hereby consents to the Conference Centre appointing such parties as the Conference Centre sees fit from time to time (in its absolute discretion) as a third-party processor of Personal Data (as such term is defined in the Data Protection Legislation) under this Agreement. The Conference Centre confirms that it may enter into or (as the case may be) will enter into, with any such third-party processor from time to time, a written agreement substantially on that third party's standard terms of business.


This clause may, at any time on not less than 30 days’ notice, be revised by the Conference Centre by replacing it with any applicable data controller/data processor standard clauses or similar terms, such as those forming party of an applicable certification scheme (which shall apply when replaced by attachment to this Agreement)

For the purposes of this clause: "Data Protection Legislation" means: (i) unless and until the GDPR is no longer directly applicable in the UK, the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU 2016/679) and any national implementing laws, regulations, and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time, in the UK and then (ii) any successor legislation to the GDPR or the Data Protection Act 1998.



The Conference Centre shall, during the Event, comply with all applicable local fire, safety, and building codes with which the Conference Centre is required to comply by law or regulation.


The Client will make the Conference Centre aware of any known special needs of anticipated persons attending the Event with disabilities. If so requested by the Client, the Conference Centre will help identify suppliers that can provide any auxiliary aids or services required.


The Client shall, and shall ensure that its attendees shall, follow all reasonable instructions of the Conference Centre in relation to safety or security.



The Conference Centre shall promptly notify the Client of any material construction, refurbishment, renovation, or remodelling to be performed at the Conference Centre prior to or during the Event, which would (in each case) in the opinion of the Conference Centre, have a material adverse effect on the Event. The Conference Centre shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that any such construction, refurbishment, renovation, or remodelling at the Conference Centre will not materially adversely interfere with the Client's use of the Conference Centre during the event. If any such material construction, refurbishment, renovation, or remodelling is due to take place during the Event which the Conference Centre reasonably determines will have a material adverse effect on the Event, the Conference Centre shall (without incurring any further liability therefor) assist, at no additional cost or expense, in locating an alternate venue space with comparable or better facilities at a comparable or better price.



Each of the parties to this Agreement agrees to comply (and shall procure that each of its office and employees comply) with all applicable anti-bribery and modern slavery laws (including, but not limited to, the Bribery Act 2021 and Modern Slavery Act 2015)



Any exclusions or limitations of liability of the Conference Centre in this Agreement shall apply to and cover liability in contract, liability for breach of duty of care, and liability under any other legal basis.


Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit the liability of the Conference Centre for death or personal injury due to its negligence, liability for the Conference Centre fraud, or any other liability which may not be excluded or limited as a matter of law in the country in which the Conference Centre is based.


The Conference Centre shall not be responsible for any losses that were not foreseeable by the Conference Centre when the Agreement was formed or that were not caused by any breach on the part of the Conference Centre.


The Conference Centre shall not be liable to the Client, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with this Agreement for any of the following: (i) loss of profits; (ii) loss of sales or business; (iii) loss of agreements or contracts; (iv) loss of anticipated savings; (v) loss of or damage to goodwill; (vi) loss of use or corruption of software, data or information; or (vii) any indirect or consequential loss.

The total aggregate liability of the Conference Centre in relation to the Event shall not, in any circumstances, exceed 100% of the amount payable by the Client for the Event.



Any notice or other communication from the Client to the Conference Centre in connection with this Agreement shall be made in writing and shall be sent by email to the Conference Centre or delivered by hand or by pre-paid post to the postal address specified in the header above. Any notice or communication shall only be deemed to have been received if acknowledged by email by the Conference Centre.



The Conference Centre expects all guests within the Conference Centre to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner when interacting with others. All guests at the Conference Centre should be aware of their own behaviour and how it impacts others. Unacceptable behaviour may involve actions, words, or physical gestures that could reasonably be perceived to be the cause of another person's distress or discomfort. Any unacceptable behaviour made by a guest of the Client will be addressed with the guest and may be reported to the Client and be subject to further action.


The Clients shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of its delegates and shall ensure that its delegates have regard to any regulations imposed by any competent authority and that nothing shall be done that will constitute a breach of the law. The Client shall fully indemnify the Conference Centre against any claims, loss, or damage arising because of a breach of this clause.



This Agreement, and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with Scottish law. Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of Scotland shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with the Agreement or its subject matter or formation.



The following rights shall only apply if the Client is a consumer: The Conference Centre takes its responsibilities very seriously and has prepared these terms and conditions in accordance with the Client's Legal rights. The options described below are intended to describe or be in addition to the Client's normal legal remedies and nothing in these terms and conditions will override or exclude any of the Client's legal rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015. Please see the Citizens Advice website or call 03454 040 506 for more information (Citizens Advice is an independent organisation and the Conference Centre is not affiliated with them in any way.)



If the Client has any queries about the Booking or is dissatisfied with any of the services provided by the Conference Centre, the Client should contact the Conference Centre as soon as possible, using the contact details on the Notices clause above, so that the Conference Centre can attempt to put things right. If the Conference Centre receives a complaint from the Client, it will be reviewed by the Conference Centre's customer team who will respond to the Client within 28 days.



This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations, and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.


The Client further acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement, it shall have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation, assurance, or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not expressly set out in this Agreement.


Any agreed terms and conditions that deviate from or are in addition to this Agreement must be agreed in writing to be effective. Any unilateral changes made by the Client will be null and void.


The Conference Centre will make reasonable efforts to deliver the services detailed in the Booking for the Event.

Where one or more conditions are inoperative or void (or if any provision or part-provision is or becomes invalid, illegal, or unenforceable), it does not impair the rest of the Agreement or affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the Agreement. Individual terms or conditions may be replaced through a written agreement between the Client and the Conference Centre, at the discretion of the Conference Centre. The same procedure must be applied to any circumstances not covered by the Agreement. Where a particular issue is not covered by this Agreement, the applicable law in the country in which the Conference Centre where the Event is taking place is located will apply.


This Agreement is not enforceable by any person who is not a party to this Agreement. This shall not apply to members of the Conference Centre's group of companies who may, in addition to the Conference Centre, also enforce this Agreement as though they were the Conference Centre. The parties to this Agreement may vary or amend this Agreement without the consent of any such group company of the Conference Centre.


Please read carefully before signing the below. The terms and conditions are set out to indicate the operating rights of the Conference Centre and those of the Client. The Agreement must be signed and returned within seven (7) days of receipt.

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